About Me

I'm a mid-30s Christian woman. I taught high school Spanish for 11 years. Additionally, I helped with activities like Mock Trial and a Spanish Exchange Program. However, I decided to answer a different calling in my life. I am committing to serve two years as a missionary in an orphanage in a Mexican border town. I previously volunteered on five short term missions trips to Mexico and Honduras, but it was time to try something more.

I love children but do not have any of my own. I am a cat-mom to two finicky, yet beautiful fur babies. I love to travel and have been to six countries and 43 of the United States. I enjoy reading and music. I love to laugh. I won't turn down good chocolate (probably not even bad chocolate). I crave sunshine and warm weather. I hope that wherever I go, I may shine God's light and love.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there girlie! Hope all is well with you - you are in my thoughts often!
